DayZ Intro Credits by IT07​



- What it does -​
This script shows text on players their screens after they get into the game.​
That text can be customized by you ofcourse, you can make it show any text.​
A video of how it looks is linked below.​


Original script comes from the ArmA 2 British Armed Forces first campaign mission.​
Original script belongs to Bohemia Interactive,​
so I do NOT take credit for the original, I only take credit for spicing it up a bit and making it work in DayZ.​



- Requirements -​
- a dedicated DayZ Server and access to PBO's​
- knowledge about editing, packing and uploading PBO's to your server​
- basic common sense​

- Notepad++

- DayZ Private Server Files Pack



Difficulty: Moderate 10​




- Installation Steps -​


 DayZ v1.8.0.3 버전으로 테스트했습니다.


1. Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\MPMissions\dayz_1.Chernarus / init.sqf 파일을 노트패드++로 열어줍니다.

2. 맨밑줄에 이 코드를 삽입하고 저장합니다.  


// Server WelcomeCredits:
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "custom\Server_WelcomeCredits.sqf";

3.Server_WelcomeCredits.sqf파일을 다운로드 합니다.

4. Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\MPMissions\dayz_1.Chernarus\custom 해당경로에 "Server_WelcomeCredits.sqf" 파일을 넣어줍니다.

5. 노트패드++로 "Server_WelcomeCredits.sqf" 파일을 열어줍니다.

6. 해당하는 부분을 설명되 있는 대로 수정해줍니다. (수정하셔야 할 부분들은 [""]; 이 부분들입니다.)

7. 수정후 서버에 접속하시면 됩니다.




- Screenshot -














- Video -​

This video will show you how the script looks by default:​
(this video was taken on a private testing server, executed by professional people, do not try this at home. lol, jk)​



- Changelog -​
- 1.3.5 -​
[CHANGED/FIXED] Annoying difference in time for script to show depending on how fast the server loads or how long it takes for people to get ingame. Resulted in sometimes too early, sometimes too late/long.​
[FIXED] Wrong version number in code (still had 1.3.4 BETA in there)​

- 1.3.4 -​
[ADDED] Option to set the time for each role to stay on screen​
[CHANGED] Reworked the code and explanation​

- Credits -​
- IT07 for editing the script and making it work in DayZ​
- Bohemia Interactive for the original script​






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